Wednesday 17 July 2013

Seeing how it goes....

Having been an avid fan of gardening blogs for a number of years now, I decided to start my own.  As a relatively new gardener (less than 10 years experience!) I thought it would be nice, and often cathartic, to share the success and failures in my garden over time.  I suspect it will also become a personal online scrap book for the useful advice I have been given and the fabulous recipes I have tried.  Ultimately its creation is for purely selfish reasons.

As a child I was brought up in a family of green fingered goddesses who aptly tended to their extensive and varied gardens.  From childhood I developed a strong love of nature and it seemed only fitting that in my early twenties I began a love affair with gardening.  It is a relationship I hope will continue for a long time to come.

A lot of my friends think I am a bit of a geek.  Given the choice of going out drinking and dancing the night away, or spending time weeding I would chose the latter.  I have frequently been caught by my neighbours talking to the plants (although I always claim I'm talking to the dogs!) and can be found out late at night in my pyjamas with a torch in hand picking slugs off my vegetables.  Nothing gives me greater pleasure than nurturing something and watching it grow and develop, especially if you get to eat it at the end.

There are lots of things that go right in my garden and lots of things that go wrong, but like this blog, we will just see how it goes....

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